Thursday, June 10, 2010

Welcome New Gamers

Hi Everyone

This is the admin master to Gamespace 3.0. This is an online blog where students weekly post discussions. These discussions are vital to your participation in this now seven week experience. You will be scored according to the frequency and quality of your postings and participation. If you think to accumulate points at the last minute. Forget it. I am looking for gamers who consistently participate in this unique blog. But also gamers who add insight and offer valuable knowledge and opinion. So if you just want to write fluff for points, it won't work. Good luck!


Methody said...

Darn I was hoping for just throwing a few links and getting the extra points :[

So yeah, Mr.Mantello , last monday I told you that there is something HUGE going atm at the games market.

It's the so called "Online PASS" which Electronic Arts are introducing.

Here are two videos/podcasts, from people that I follow all the time, simply because they know what they are talking when it comes to gaming.

IN those two episodes , Skirmish 76 and Skirmish 77, the discuss the "Online Pass System".

Now, I know you are a busy person, so I won't make you watch the whole 40-42min podcasts ( although they worth it!) and I'll tell you where exactly their discussion about the Online Pass starts.

Skirmish 76 -

11:30 min onward

Skirmish 77-

At 09:00 you can see the news about making a movie out of Heavy Rain ( check this quickly Mr.Mantello please :) I couldn't explain it properly in class, but I'm sure you will understand when you see it) and right after they continue their discussion on the "Online pASS" ^^

For other students, I'd recommend watching the whole videos :)


Methody said...

Oooops I forgot the link for skirmish 77 ( although it's quite ez to find it from the menu)

P.s. E3 is UPON US !! beware gamers !!

knarfytrebil said...

Just got the mail, and I am really looking forward to the class !!

Aduhnapasih said...

about E3?
Do they really intend to announce the launch of ps4?
Well considering ps3 is fail... Maybe.. but isn't it too soon?
Btw methody when you said EA Games' "Online pass" are you reffering to the register-login process before going online? well hasn't it been a while?

Methody said...

No it's not that ... check the Vids

I haven't played EA games for quite some time, but as it was said, the first game that has/going to have this is EA Tygerwoods Golf 2011.

I'd explain it myself, but the dudes that make the podcasts did it so much better - check it out for a couple of minutes.

Methody said...

and about E3, def no PS4 ... I can guarantee that ... it's waaaay waaay too early for next gen consoles. The current gen is only half-way through its life-cycle.

PS4/X-box 720 maybe in 3 or 4 years I'd say.

On this E3 Microsoft are gonna present NATAL , which they think it's going to revolutionize gaming ... however , sadly, they are the only ones that think like that LOL

I'm looking forward to the motion-controller from Sony, which many people call "the ice-cream" :P

Aduhnapasih said...

Oops seen the wrong one, i saw the 77 skirmish >.<
seen natal trailer, don't know will it gonna be the same with the trailer though.A gadget which can catch all of your motion is still beyond my imagination...
ps3 motion controller looks like a copy of wii's nunchuck so.. not a surprise

Henrik said...

E3 this year (which is back in its old format thank god) will focus a lot on the Microsoft NATAL and Sony Move for x360 and ps3 respectively. Also 3D technology and implementation in games is also predicted to be a big topic. Personally im not a big fan of the whole motion sensor technology so far and 3D is completely uninteresting until it is mainstream enough to push down the prices of the tech required.

Henrik said...

im Henrik btw, im using a pseudonym for my google account :)

Yiren said...

Hey everybody! I'm new here...

Even though I started playing all kinds of games when I was very little in primary school, I have to admit that I still know nothing in this area...

But who doesn't like games, right? So, I'm hoping through this class, I could learn something about games, or not only games, but also the whole industry.

I saw that Methody must be very interested in games and has studied a lot about it. And thanks for the links you shared. I think that would be the first step of mine to get into this field...

I will do my best to catch up with the class even though I have to start from zero.

Anyway, good luck to everyone and hope we could enjoy this class together.