Tuesday, January 13, 2009

well. .. i just read a post on how a kid kills when he is deprived of Halo3. quite interesting. here i would like to enlighten you guys with some intel. do you know that Halo is responsible for the establishment and initialization of FPS games in the Japanese VG market.yeh.its true. FPS games became popular with Halo. soooooo no wonder that kid goes crazy when he was deprived of Halo3!!


Property Guide said...

I think one needs to assess the acts of violence that are motivated by other reasons...perhaps we will find that 1 out of every 1,000 child-parent acts of violence are linked to video games...there are probably an infinite number of other reasons that motivate similar violent acts however, they are never SINGLED out as does the media evangelists....

Gabby the Grey said...

I do not have much experience in psychology- or social behavior studies, but I'd like to analyze this case like my high school history teacher made us analyze different wars throughout Europe;

You always have a provocative/trigger factor for a war, and you have a more in-depth political/social/idealistic-like cause not so obviously discovered.

To claim that a kid killed his parents because they took his video game, is for me like stating that the 1. world war came to be, because of the student who shot Franz Ferdinand in the streets of Sarajevo. Although not entirely untrue, it would eventually have happened in one way or another by some other trigger-event. The real problem, is the entire "build-up" beforehand.

Anonymous said...

I think we read the same article.
I agree with killer frames, in the fact the media uses certain things as scape goats and likes to pinpoint blame.
However, thats not to say that everything is without blame, it should just be taken with a grain of salt.

Property Guide said...

Correct. Have we also forgotten that there was a GUN available for this infamous act. What does the media say about GUN culture. I am real guns. the nature of media is to isolate and highlight, not to go into indepth report. What was this kid's mental health like before? What kind of environment was he being raised in? And how in the world do we know that was what actually took place. For all we truly know, he could have been extensively victimized by his father or mother. We just don't know?

Property Guide said...

Video game violence is essentially a polemic argument. As such, I find it rather uninteresting and a circular debate. New forms of media have historically been victimized. Check out the history of comic books, rock and roll and early tv. The problem is society is extremely hypocritical. They denounce video games for violence, but utilize tax payers dollars fund indoctrination methods such as America's Army.

Essentially, videogames should be and are regulated the same way movies are...

To say no games should have violence, would be to say our society is not violent. Videogames are like any other form of text...it mirrors contemporary life and today's culture.

navneetgeorgian said...

hi guys....hows everybody...enjoying vacation..!!!
read this...games are good for kids..by the parliament...

