Saturday, January 10, 2009

say ..recently i am reading some interesting articles on western and Japanese VG`s. as i have this presentation to do on VG`s ; i was quite perplexed of what to talk about. however, i tried to find the reason why most of the FPS WRPGS`s are not quite famous here.well .. it happend to be know why....i read some very nice articles actually illustrations from gaming professionals. what they were saying was that , only a handful of FPS VG`s were a hit in this market.but even then it was not that much of a success.i mean FPS yeilds a thrilling sensational feeling in the gamer. say ... Duke Nukem for example...for me its really Koool. violence, blood erruptions, killing god it REALLY gives a kick. But as i have never heard these blockbusters mentioned in here i was really inquisitive to determine why ?? its not so. so know what i did ???well .. firstly as all other natural "inqusitive" human beings i tried to find some solutions through the net. Ha! guess what ? ??they say that most of these wetern blockbuster FPS games are not in real taste in here. hey !!!why is that?? if you play Doom for example .. you will not get off from your seat till everything is finished. its that interesting. so no taste of such action means .....come on folks>its cra~zy~ right?? so i did kind an interesting thing. (people this is gonna be a bit long ..pls bear with me ok?) you know i went to to a mature guy who is apperantly a gamer. he gave me some intel on "social perspectives".wow!!!!then i quickly changed my subject to a very young guy ...kindda kool guy who has been expelled from school because of his gaming attitudes in practise. Ha! he was wonderful . he basically gave me a very controversial opinion. said that he dislike the characters , colors, ambience etc. etc. in WRPG`s. But ...he said that he is crazy over Bio Hazard..come on !!!that violates all what he said a bit earlier right?so when i said that i am "baffled "by his opinion know what he said."even though it has all these similarities of the western has been for a long time in here. even before converting to a VG it had had been famous here. that is why it is a hit. and as it does not show that life depletion on the immediate screen in a normal health "bar" it is rather fantstic cos you can see the hart beat fading after the virous is been infected."...kool isnt it. guess i would rather play it and see. bye for now.


Property Guide said...

I am not quite sure if this Expert Gamer's answer is sufficient, nor really on target. If infact, FPS are not that popular in Japan as you say than perhaps there's something more to be explored under the cultural rug/rubric which is Japan. Your experience is interesting though, in light of MGS4 which is a Japanese built game. Moreover, does that mean that the term FPS should include or mean First Person we all know that swordplay is very much a part of Japanese gameplay....

Rajakaruna said...

yes.samurai swordplay is of course a part of the Japanese society.but if we pay close attention to the youngsters who dominate the japanese VG market, we are able to see some controversial the attitudes on close range human killings, open flesh wounds, blood pouring etc. are disliked by the general society.furthermore the general society cherish their youngsters by convincing them not to be facinated by cruelties of human other words the society abstains from seeing blood pourings , cut wounds media. it is believed that after the world war 2 this society underwent a transformation in their social ethical thinking patterns.they discarded fanticising close action humaan violence. coming back again to the point , most of the young gamers and as well as adult gamers prefer first person shooters rather than first person samurai.why?lets see...if we watch the Japanese television we can of course see a lot of dramas of samurai action. however, what we cannot see is the reality of sword cuts and killing when a kid watches such a drama on tv he will obviously create interest on it becuase of close action, cultural aspect and suspense. however, it hardly arouse any stimuli within him because it does not produce any sort of violent culture.simultaneously though it doesnot satisfy the young ones inner aggressive desires,he will not have a prolonging desire to engage in samurai movies. as in this society oral communication(word going on from one to another)plays a significant roll, such close encounters will not be indulged by a lot of others.therefore most have to subdue their aggresive desires.but if we return to a shootergame, their we can see that the gamer actually can put a ot of firepower in killing his opponent.though the gamer uses a lot of fire power to kill the is obvious that such power is not used directly to kill a human being in the natural form.most of the time the opponent or the enimy will be in an aircraft, or some other formation.and thus no matter how much fire power used by the shooter we can hardly see real flesh wounds, blood etc. instead the opponent will die in bright flashes,blasts etc. where actual darkness is not the society abstain from letting their youngester in experiencing the realities on actual combat or death, the youngester will be satisfied by the close actions and explosions that he is eligible to do in a shooter game.acoording to most of their opnion "it is not good if you kill some one on cold blood.but it perfectly ok to kill that person if he is some machine or airplane etc..however we simply cannot definitely say that it is so.there are gamers who prefer otherwise.but generally most of the young ones prefer immence fire power (guns bombs etc) even in MGS4 which is a konami game we can see fire power. however we cannot come up to a certain conclusion here. because japanese game companies create games to the general market segments and as well as niche segments.and these companies can make relatively accurate predictions about such segments or can create "wants".take for example "Halo". "Halo" is a western game. it came to the japanese market and created a desire in first person shooter games in this market. though an ample amount of copies were sold is was not a complete success. becuase it didnot comply with the ehthical contemplations and expectations of the japanese gamer. however it elevated the attitude in market on First person shooter games.since shooter games are a success.but even then we cannot generalize this. what i mean is ...tokyomarket and oita market are not the same. though the "need" is common, the upper value is a bit different. (i.e.the opinion of a gamer who is in Oita, does not represent the market view of Tokyo.)and if konami or Sony or some other company like like Nintendo can create a stimuli on the equal amount in a gamer about swordplays (other than on mortal kombat samurai)then of course we can refer them as first person samurai games as well...isnt that so??? .....well i wanted to explain this yesterday..during the presentation at the moment this question wasraised..but lack of time and giving prioriry to other viwers prevented me...

Property Guide said...

Your arguement is quite sound and definitely backed with great research. I wonder though, if the Japanese ARE simply a closet FPS market waiting to explode. My spider senses predict that under that heavily controlled skin lies a budding FPS gamer waiting to explode...(forgive my pun). but i think video games are very much a release for such an oppressive society which is Japan...deep down inside I think BATTLEROYAL is very much the repressed reaction waiting to emerge. Videogames could infact be that valve that allows Japanese to express themselves...
What I loved most about your presentation was the Japanese GAMER FANTATIC....

Rajakaruna said...

yes..i agree with killer frame. As the fisrt two generatons of the society after the worldwar 2 is hardly having the probability of being extrovert with the western world,the young generation at present is being blending with the western culture. How ever, if we pay close attention, such an image is aparent only in the city levels. because the westernization has affected...say greatly in the cicy areas... the majority of the game market is with its "mom". even in the city market, though the western culture has actually absorbed the likely attitudes and thinking patterns of the young , a 100% achievement is not at the moment apparent. not like any other society , japanese society is .... i think not that fragile. even though agressive , explosive attitiudes are boiling inside the young ones is unlikely that a revolutionary type (all togther) eruption is possible. (i mean in the near future) even if there is something like that, it will be suppressed by the elder generation who still value the "intricacies" of their traditions.but the geneation after this young ones is likely to emerge out from this "Skin" as you mentioned. what do you think about this point killer frame???